We Believe In Ghosts / East Flank Defenders Patch Collection – Introduction
Welcome to the crazy world of Ghosts, inspired by the mighty Ghost of Kyiv!
There has probably never been anything like it!
Since the invasion of the Ukraine, many squadrons and units from different NATO countries have been on the eastern flank of europe. They all have the same mission: Secure NATO’s external border during so called eVA (enhanced Vigliance Activities) missions.
The idea of a unified patch for these squadrons came from Rainer Hentschke of swacko.com (former flightshirt.de) and the USAFE 480 Fighter Squadron based at Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany. So far there are 100+ squadrons and units with over 200 different patches that have followed this idea and show solidarity in this way.
This patch series is perhaps unique in the history of NATO!
Click the links above to view my patches from all the different countries air Forces, navys, HQs, ground units etc.
I’ve also created a spreadsheet and a graphical overview of all the versions which I update to get an overview of the released patches and coins.
If your unit is part of the eastern flank defenders and you want to join, send a mail to Rainer at www.swacko.com
For more informations about the Ghost of Kyiv, check the article on Wikipedia